

How to Bond Plastic Pipe Production

In the course of processing of plastic pipe made by plastic pipe production line, how to bond plastic pipe produced by plastic pipe production line? What is the plastics processing technology of this kind of process, how the process of bonding plastic pipes of plastic pipe production line to ensure the quality of pipe, here are the detailed process.

1. Adhesive plastic pipe made by plastic pipe production line before the socket, wipe it with a dry cloth outer side and the jack handle, when the surface to be cleaned with oil wipe clean with acetone.

2. before adhesive plastic pipe of plastic pipe production line, the pipe should be flat, vertical tube axis and the chamfer processing; draw well into the adhesive before marking and test plug, test the depth can only be inserted into the original depth of 1/ 3- 1/2, the gap had more than not use it during bonding method.

3. Apply adhesive should be applied bearing inside mouth of plastic pipe production line, then smear the outside jack, socket should be applied along the axial amount evenly from the inside out, not painted or coated drain excess (200g/m2).

