

System Components of Electrical Magnetic Lifters

The electrical magnetic lifters are consisting of many magnets by electronic control system, so that they are also called as the electrical magnetic lifters system. The working principle of magnetic lifters is relatively simple: according to the upper network command, the electrical system will control all or part of electrical magnetic work, to achieve the purpose of absorbing and releasing plate.
Three parts of electrical magnetic lifters are as follows: electrical magnets, electrical control subsystem and mechanical components. What’s more, the electrical main circuit is consisting of PLC main control unit, transformers, controlled rectifier modules and contactor components. In the electrical magnetic lifters, PLC main control unit can adjust the magnetic power of electrical magnets by controlling the controlled rectifier modules, but osculum is off or on achieved by PLC control contactor in magnetic lifters.
From all above, the main circuit of magnetic lifters can be made up to the control screen and automatic charging, adding the maintenance-free batteries, and then constitute the trinity of electronic control subsystems. The electrical magnetic lifters system can automatically switch to backup each other, and achieve constant charge, float, automatic tracking and automatic adjustment.

