

What’s Permanent Magnetic Lifters technology?

The magnetic lifter technology is one of new areas of permanent magnetic materials application, also is one new direction in lifting technology development. The basic characteristics of permanent magnetic lifters are: in the process of lifting operation, do not use current, just by strong permanent magnetic steel and other ferromagnetic objects to hang up. So, compared with the traditional electromagnetic lifting, the greatest strength of permanent magnetic lifters is to save energy. Because there is no problem caused by power failure and accidents, another advantage of permanent magnetic lifters is safe and reliable. In addition, because of no anti-power devices, it is helpful to reduce costs. In general, the size and weight of magnetic lifters is smaller and lighter than the same level of electromagnetic devices.

In terms of permanent magnetic lifters, there are two problems to solve:

The first is how to choose the best solution for permanent magnetic lifters and their design;

The second is how to solve the problem of heavy of discharge permanent magnetic lifters. It can be said, unloaded weight problems are more important.

